Saturday, November 26, 2011

Swing, Baby

She was trained well. Forced to attend swing dances at least weekly as long as she could remember, Anna knew the steps long before she knew fractions or decimals. True, she did take to it in her preteen years, but at seventeen, that was beginning to fade, especially since mom and dad were starting to slow down.

Mark was looking for something different. Tired of video games, facebook, and partying, he found an event that sounded different for sure - swing dancing at Union Hall. Probably a bunch of grayhairs square dancing, but what the heck? It had to be better than cruising the same old streets.

As soon as he entered the dimly lit hall, he saw her. Standing clumsily against the wall, he did his best to blend in, while really hoping that she would notice him. As she turned in step with her aged dance partner, she saw him. Finally someone her age to dance with! True, he was stiff, completely untrained, but he did have rhythm. And he looked nice. This would be the first of many swinging nights for Anna and Mark.

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